JMC College International was established in the remarkable year 1998 by the veteran educationist Senior Chartered Accountant, Council Member of Buddhist and Pali University Deshamanya, Deshakeerthi Mr. J. M. U. B. Jayasekera (B.Sc. (Mgt), FMAAT, FCA, FPFA, FCMA). Today he holds the position of Group Principal of JMC College network. JMC is a registered and approved School to conduct teaching programs from Pre-School, to G.C.E. Advanced Level.
The entire Education concept in JMC is made up of three basic principles namely Quality Education, Discipline and English to all. The priority is given to education in all aspects as we believe an educated person can easily change the society.
Teaching the relevant religion of your child is a major part of our Education system. The religion builds a solid platform for spirituality and personality development.
The world is rapidly changing and the demand for multi-lingual exposure is increasing. Therefore, we teach four languages, English, French, Sinhala & Tamil with the intention of meeting the global demand for multi-lingual knowledge.
In addition to the prescribed academic activities, we provide opportunities for our students to participate in a wide variety of extra-curricular activities. These include Sport Activities such as Athletics, Chess, Swimming, Badminton, Tai Kwun Do, Karate etc., Aesthetic Activities such as Singing, Drama, Music and Arts, and other activities such as various student societies such as Commerce Society, Literary Society, Photographic Clubs, Electronic Club, ICT Society, Boy Scouting and Girl Guiding etc.
We groom our students to produce excellent results both at Ordinary Level and Advanced Level along with the fluency in the English language. After leaving the school they find employment in both private and public-sector organizations. The statistics of our Past Pupils’ Association has proved that our students are holding very high positions in their respective fields and have become extremely productive entrepreneurs, employers and employees locally and globally.
JMC College International is the best international school network in Sri Lanka. All our education services are provided at an affordable and a flexible rate as our founder Mr. J. M. U. B. Jayasekera’s main conception was to enable all Sri Lankan nationals to receive the best quality education they require.
Education for the Next Generation
In keeping with the national policies and national goals, we are committed to provide our younger generation, a comprehensive education that incorporates concepts that will foster and promote good will and peaceful co-existence among various religious and cultural groups; the factors that are indispensable to create conditions conducive to economic advancement and national prosperity.
1. Don’t waste Students’ time
2. Students first, others second
3. JMCIANS must be Front Runners
4. Discipline is No. 1
5. Do First – Be First
School Anthem
Seek light, Share light glory all around
JMC we forward march
Glory to our land
Flying brown & gold in the air, wave the colours high
Glory to our College, JMC we stand
Forward march we steadily
Hand in hand in unity
Brothers sisters forward march
Bound in fraternity
Students of JMC
Seek light, Share light glory all around
JMC we forward march
Glory to our land
Flying brown & gold in the air, wave the colours high
Glory to our College, JMC we stand
We pledge to thee our motherland
Trust dedication
Wherever we be we honour thee
For all achievements gained
Students of JMC
Seek light, Share light glory all around
JMC we forward march
Glory to our land
Flying brown & gold in the air, wave the colours high
Glory to our College, JMC we stand
Knowledge imparted ungrudgingly
Skills & skills displayed
Loyally we march forward
Flying brown & gold
Students of JMC
Seek light, Share light glory all around
JMC we forward march
Glory to our land
Flying brown & gold in the air, wave the colours high
Glory to our College, JMC we stand///
Composed by Mrs. Indrani Manel Nawana
1st Principal of JMC College International (1998.01.07)
School Pledge
I shall always respect my college and uphold & cherish its name.
I shall always obey the rules & regulations of my college.
I shall obey & respect my teachers in the same way as I respect my parents.
I shall radiate benevolence towards all without discrimination human and non-human.
I shall endeavor to protect the environment and live in harmony with the ecology.
I shall do my best to develop and improve my studies.
I shall always be true & honest.
I shall always help someone in need of love tolerance & support.
I shall always pray for the unity, integrity & prosperity of Sri Lanka.
May all beings be well & happy.
Composed by Mrs. Indrani Manel Nawana (1998.01.07)
1st principal of JMC College International
The Board of Directors are involved in the day-to-day administration of the JMC College International. Mainly, the Chairman, Managing Directress, Chief Executive Officer and the other respective Directors shoulder the full responsibility for the smooth running of the JMC College network. Governing council is formed including all department heads reporting to the Board of Directors. The Principals and branch Managers are the field- level leaders execute the decisions taken by the top management and reporting to the department heads.